Ba(Hons) Game Development: Programming : 2020-2023

Grade: Unknown

I am currently enrolled in a games programming course at Falmouth University. Throughout this course, I have worked on numerous projects both within a team and as an individual. This includes a yearly main group project where I worked with other specialisms (for instance designers, artists, writers, and more) to create a games throughout the year, using industry standard practices to help us do so.

List of modules covered

Link to course page

Gam310: Preparing for the Future
Gam320: Major game Development Project: Pre-Production
Gam330: Major game Development Project: Production
Gam340: Professional Practice

Comp250: Individual Specialist Computer Project: Artificial Intelligence
Comp280: Specialisms in Creating Computing
Gam210: Theory ii: form & user Experience
Gam220: World Creation Project: Pre-Production
Gam240: World Creation Project: Production

Comp120: Creative Computing
Comp140: Individual Creative Computing Project
Gam110: Development Principles
Gam120: Theory 1: Reading Experiences
Gam130: Multidisciplinary Development Practice

Below are some drop downs containing better descriptions of what I had to do for these modules and what I completed for the different assignments.

I will be updating my website with my 3rd year projects. For now, the link to my 3rd year main project can be found below

Gam310: Preparing for the Future

A Self-Divised essay on a topic of our choice. Achieved a 1st. Further Description coming soon.

Gam320: Major Game Development Project: Pre-Production

This game can be found here.

Gam330: Major Game Development Project: Production

This game can be found here.

Gam40: Professional Practice

This assignment included developing a portfolio site to display my skillset, alongside something new to go with this portoflio. The portfolio I created for this is the one you are reading right now on! For this project, I wanted to learn the basics of html, css, and javascript so that I could create a custom portfolio site that looked nice visually, whilst also containing the relevant information for potential employers to look at. The difficulty in this project came from having to learn these new programming languages enough to allow for me to create such a professional website.
For the new project to include in this new portfolio, I decided to learn the basics of C++ and Unreal Engine 5. I chose this due to a lack of knowledge in this area, since I had never touched the engine or language before (this project can be found here). I decided to follow a udemy course to develop 3 different games: Warehouse Wreckage, Obstacle Assault, and Crypt Raider. Although this course taught me a lot about C++ and Unreal Engine, I wanted to push myself in a different way, using the knowledge I learn throughout each game to add my own mechanic/flair to them to ensure I develop a better understanding, rather than just simply copying everything shown to me on my screen.
For Warehouse Wreckage, due to it being the first game, I decided to push myself by messing around with some built-in systems so I can better familiarise myself with the what the engine has to give, so I messed around with the variety of built-in physics objects, such as wheels, joints, and more, to further develop my in-engine understanding.
For Obstacle assault, I created a few different custom obstacles, these being spikes that shot up from the ground every given amount of seconds, platforms that moved between a variety of different given points, and more. This game gave me a basic understanding of how c++ functioned, and how I could use it to manipulate different actors within the game.
Crypt Raider is a frist-person puzzle game where the player can run around and interact with different objects throughout the environment to help them progress through the level and get to the end. I used this game to focus on obtaining a greater understanding of C++. Within this game, To push myself, created multiple interactions for the player, for instance a lever puzzle in which they needed to have only the correct ones down (answer shown at another part of the level), the ability to pick up various objects and place them around different parts of the map (e.g. a key), and the ability to interact with doors through holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse.

Comp250: Individual Specialist Computer Project: Artificial Intelligence - Boids simulated ecosystem

This project included a specialist individual project focused around artificial intelligence. We were tasked with creating any AI system we wanted, having us pitch the idea and then develop it. For this project, I decided to create an ecosystem simulation using flocking behaviours as the base of this AI. The premise of this was to create an ecosystem that could adapt to their environment through natural selection, having the boids reproduce to pass on their genes and create genetic variation. This simulation also included many variables the user could tinker with, for instance the significance of food and water sources, the average life span for the agents, and much more.
A further write-up on this project can be found here

Comp280: Specialisms in Creating Computing - Multiplayer, AI, security and optimisation

For this assignment, as an individual, I was tasked to create any game I wanted, although it had to contain a few given features. For this game, I had to include networking and artificial intelligence, conduct a heuristic analysis into my own game, and explore possible optimisations throughout my scripts. I decided to create a 1st person melee game where the player could explore around and fight different enemies, with the ability to play the game in multiplayer. Combat focused around an element system where enemies and weapons had element types in which all have strengths and weaknesses for different elements.

I was also given a C# console program to increase security for and find, alongside finding any other flaws in this program. This program was a simple stocks game, allowing the user to log into the server and trade different items, with the aim to have the highest balance out of all accounts. I had to find flaws in the code that resulted in crashes and enabled the user to do things they weren't meant to have access to.

Gam210: Theory ii: form & user Experience - Essay on learning in Sekiro

This assignment involved integrating theory research with playtesting to produce an essay indetifying the relationship between theoretical and practical. For this essay, I chose to look into how discovery learning is used in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice to help teach the player how and when to use the defensive options available to them. Writing this essay involved researching into different learning theories and running play testing sessions to see how well the game does in teachign the player these different mechanics, helping me to better understand how to analyse and play test a game.

Gam220: World Creation Project: Pre-Production - multi-discipline project pre-production

This module included creating 2 game concept demos as a multi-disciplinary team. Our first game concept was a hover-bike exploration game where the player could roam around an open world, completing puzzles and unlocking more areas as they progress. For this concept, I created the hoverbike controller, aiming for realistic suspension-like behaviour whilst also providing a great feel for the player. From this, I got a much better understanding of how to properly research relevant physics and how to integrate these different equations and behaviours into my scripts and systems to help provide great realism to the player experience.
Alongside this, I also worked on the main movement in the 2nd prototype. This prototype was a gliding game, aiming for a relaxing and satisfying feel. The aim was for the player to glide around different levels, collecting different resources to upgrade glider and help them more easily progress through the story. This prototype went on to be the game we made for our Gam240 project, found here

Gam240: World Creation Project: Production - Producing game from Gam220

This assignment was my main group project of 2nd year, where we were tasked to produce one of the concepts we had made for the previous Gam220 group project. This project taught me how to better work in a multi-disciplinary team using industry-standard practices, such as SCRUM, stand up meetings, and generally how to work effectively and efficiently with other developers. We decided to produce and create a gliding game with a focus on exploration. For this game I developed and maintained numerous systems, from resource management and a collectables system, to a custom AI pathing editor.
A further description of this game and how it was developed can be found here.

Comp120: Creative Computing - Tinkering graphics/audio

Throughout this project, I had to create two applications. The first application allowed the user to import an image and apply various filters to this image. These filters could be used numerous times and, when applicable, the strength of these filters could be changed to help the user get their desired edit. The user could then to save their new image to their chosen storage location. Examples of filters included in this software are blur, inverse colouring, greyscale, colour correction, and more.

The second application allowed the user to create different noises and sequences, edit them, and then save it to their computer as a wav. Some features included in this application were importing sound clips, changing wave functions, adding echo, amplitude scaling, phase inversion, white noise, audio splicing, wavelength scaling, and reversing audio.

Comp140: Individual Creative Computing Project - Custom controller fishing game

For this project, I was tasked with creating a custom controller using an Arduino and a game to play with it. I decided to create a 2D fishing game where the player could use my custom controller like a real life fishing rod. The player would cast out their hook by placing a water level sensor into a cup of water, and then turn a rotary encoder to lower and raise their line to catch different types of fish. This rotary encoder could also be used as a button for navigating the game's different menus.

Further information on this project can be found here

Gam110: Development Principles - Create a game concept and pitched it

Throughout this module, we learned how to develop and present a game pitch, whilst also how to prepare a rough prototype. This was a group project where different game development specialisms came together to help build a world and create a presentation and pitch for a game we wanted to create for our next module. Together we created and developed ideas for our game, collaborating together using different specialist knowledge to help us cover all bases of the pitch.

This pitch led to my Gam130 project, which can be found here

Gam120: Theory 1: Reading Experiences - Theory module

This module was purely theory, learning how to write a textual analysis about the effect a game has on its player and how we can create a particular player experience. For my essay, I did a textual analysis of the themes of loyalty within Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, exploring where these themes are found and the different ways they can affect the player. From this, I learned how to understand how to form a textual analysis and see how games are received by an audience, being able to analyse specific player experiences throughout gameplay.

Gam130: Multidisciplinary Development Practice - Creating our pitched game

This module was about creating the game we pitched for our Gam110 module. With a team of combined specialisms, we had to produce a game using standard industry practices to ensure for it to be made to a high quality. Using our specialisms to our advantage, we produced a 3D stealth game where the player could manouver around a facility, avoiding drones and completing puzzles to progress through the levels.

The game we made for this project can be found here, with further descriptions of scripts, gameplay, and how it was developed.

BTEC in Information Technology : 2018-2020

Grade: D*D*D*

During my time at college I studied a BTEC Extended Deploma in Game Development. This course included subjects such as art, animation, databases, spreasheets, object orientated programming and more. Throughout this course I gained knowledge of general computing and game development practices, providing me with great insight of how different roles are fulfilled across software development.